Monday, November 4, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

One of the best things I ever did for my writing career was take a creative writing class. In that class I not only learned there are other forms of writing that I actually enjoy, such as poems-yikes!-but I learned that writing is a skill or talent that can be learned. And not just learned, but perfected.

Whether it be writing on your blog, journal, or even a paper for school, you should write as much as you can, as often as you can. This is going to be your craft, you should be good at it.

Find ways to grow as a writer. Since taking a few writing classes I now proofread all the communications that go out to our distributors from our corporate office. This responsibility helps me practice looking at grammar, sentence structure, and punctuality and now that I'm in the editing stage of my book I can tell you it has definitely helped me catch things.

Want a writing challenge? Here's one my creative writing teacher had my class do: 

Pick a fictional character of your choice (could be one you're writing or one you've read about). Set a timer for three minutes and write about a place your character can't return to. Ready? Go! 

The character I chose to use for this prompt actually surprised me. It was a character from a book I started years before and put on hold so I could work on my current novel. I was quite interested in where the rest of the story would have gone if I hadn't run out of time.

I eyed the plane ticket wearily. My fingers itched to reach out and grab it, just hold it for a moment. But I couldn't. I knew they would come after me if I took that ticket to its destination. Oh how tempting it was though! It was my belated birthday present from my sweet grandmother, who had no idea that I couldn't return to Europe. There were a lot of things she didn't know about me. Who I really was. What I really was. No one in my family did, and how could they? They weren't there when I made the decision in Europe to go to the dark pub on the corner of Heaston. They weren't there when I ran my mouth and got into trouble. 
*Copyright Jayne L. Bowden*

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