Monday, September 2, 2013

Idea Factory

How do authors come up with such crazy, brilliant ideas? They all have secret built-in Idea Factories of course! Only the most exceptional, special, talented people have this hidden weapon inside their mind and only they can unleash it's power to the world. Muah ha ha ha. Not!

Honestly, I'm a firm believer that anyone can become an author. You've just got to practice being creative. Everyone has a unique way of looking at the world and if you can just convey your take in a way that people can relate to, you've got yourself something to write about. Take me for example. I have the most bizarre dreams imaginable and often times I would stay awake thinking about them and trying to remember every possible detail. I finally got smart and immediately wrote my dream down the moment I woke up. It was a snowball reaction and I now have to keep a notebook and pen at my bedside so I can keep up. And what started as just a dream has now become my most precious project. My first novel. Thanks to my nocturnal habits, I now have over a dozen ideas that I plan on turning into stories someday. 

Point of all this is, you've got to build your own Idea Factory by writing down any and all of your ideas. They may seem stupid or underdeveloped, but once you write it down and get it "cooking" in your head, the more you think about it over time and create a story.

So, like I seem to do lately, I'm going to give you one of my examples. I've copied it word for word out of my dream notebook. Don't judge, this may be a best seller someday.

One of the Gods decides to strike a deal and beyond all odds loses to a mortal who requests the payment be that they switch places. He has no choice and is made mortal, while the mortal takes all and becomes a God. Forced to live on earth, he despises and resents the other humans for their weakness. He meets a woman named Slynn who is extremely beautiful. She's the kind of woman he, as a God, would have just taken and he expects her to fall for him. She wants nothing to do with him and he gives up hope of ever having the luxuries he once did as a God. Gradually he learns more about the mortals and he comes to appreciate their hard work. He falls in love with Slynn and somewhat becomes adjusted to life on earth. But the mortal who took his place as a God learns that the switch can still be undone while the once God still lives. He decides to send hounds and lesser beings to kill him. While the once God is no longer immortal, he knows everything about the creatures sent to hunt him and is able to defeat them. One of the lesser beings was actually his friend when he was a God and pretends to go hunting for him, but when he finds him he tells him that the switch can be undone and how to accomplish it. The once God decides to leave at once, but hesitates when he sees Slynn. He's not sure what he wants anymore: the immortality and power he once had or the woman he's fallen in love with. She tells him he should claim what was rightfully his. Not fully understanding the new emotions he is feeling he thinks she does not return his love. He sets out on the journey to regain Godhood. After going through more trials and suffering than the once God ever dreamed possible, all the while missing Slynn and feeling empty, he finally defeats the man who stole his life. A God once more he thinks his life will go on as normal, but he still feels the emotions he did as a mortal and regret is a completely new feeling for a God. Upset, he decides that because he is a God again he can just take Slynn. He goes to her, but when he sees her sleeping he has no desire to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. He remembers what it felt like to feel weak and helpless and he decides to never do that to anyone again. He goes to leave, but Slynn wakes up and is so happy to see him well and alive that she jumps into his arms and kisses him. He is so stunned and confused at her reaction that he doesn't move or respond and she is embarrassed at her actions. He finally realizes that she did return his feelings and he's made a mistake by choosing Godhood because it's forbidden for Gods and mortals to be together permanently. But he will always feel that emptiness when she's not with him. He decides to break all the laws of the Gods and make her immortal. 
*Copyright Jayne L. Bowden*

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Jamie! I feel like a proud momma that you've got Gods stomping around in your head. :)
    Gotta love immortals.
